Friday, March 20, 2015

Part 3-Dominion


When God Shows Up

If you are at the right place, with the right information, with the right heart to practice exercising God's dominion, there will be evidence of supernatural activity. God wants you to succeed! This is especially true when you have some ancestral connection to what is being prayed over through the authority of dominion. You can at times feel you are being "possessed," by something other than what is a normal life's experience. This is not something to fear, but it should always be coached with seasoned intercessors.  When you attempt to engage strategic intercession at any level (See Dominion part 2) work together as a team. Representational anointing is the Holy Spirit allowing you to truly see, hear and feel the issue before you. It may feel like "channeling" but this is a Holy Spirit experience not a new age phenomenon. To represent something beyond superficial religious attitudes God will allow you to participate in perhaps a startling real way. However, when the issue is dropped at the feet of the cross, then your part is finished. We do not "carry" issues longer than it takes to bring reconciliation and repentance before the throne of Grace.

I have seen real "fire works" on the 250 strategic assignments I have participated in. God always shows up when we do! The Spirit will facilitate the presence of God as issues are resolved before the Father. Dominion is a tangible experience.  It is undeniable fact. When there aren't fireworks then I back up and examine what we are doing as a team. God wants desperately to reconcile our past.

Worldly sorrow is a experience similar to travail. It is a deep feeling of regret that allow us to truly bring our hearts to the table. However, worldly sorrow can have some hooks for the untrained initiative. Once we deliver the issue to the cross, our job is finished. If there is some lingering feelings of sadness, sorrow or regret among any of participants, the team should immediately take steps to pray over the team member. We never leave our wounded behind on any prayer battlefield.

Tuesday, March 10, 2015

Part 2-Dominion

Understanding the Kingdom

Matthew 24:14 -Signs of Christ's Return- And this gospel of the kingdom shall be preached in the whole world for a witness to all the nations, and then the end shall come. Lets take a minute and discuss the "Kingdom gospel," verse the other messages being preached. The best analogy I can think of is the simple use of something we see every day. Our highways are full of billboards. The "salvation gospel," billboard asks a question if you were to die tomorrow where would you go. The "kingdom gospel" billboard would ask the same question from a different perspective. The Kingdom Gospel would ask if you live tomorrow who will you serve? Each billboard represents two very different approaches to Christianity. Some promote that being saved is the primary focus from a purely selfish motive. While the other promotes a living, vibrant relationship with a God who loves us. This kind of "now" relationship has the added benefit of eternal Salvation.

Do you know the role of the kingdom? Have we allowed the convenient theologies of man to override our understand what the kingdom message is all about. In the Kingdom gospel, we focus not just on one personality of God while ignoring the others. Jesus is the door through we each know a relationship with our heavenly Father. Having opened this door to salvation, in walks the person of God to dwell within us through the Holy Spirit. Missing any one side of the trinity means our lives are being only partially fulfilled.  Only when we worship the God head as one can we know the meaning of the kingdom gospel. Salvation is not just a destination but a reconciliation of immense proportions.

We here in America have a not so subtle god of independence. This god promotes itself by demanding we having a "vote" in everything that goes on. The startling news is that heaven is not a republic nor a democracy. God is a benevolent King who listens to each of us but ultimately has the final say in all that happens. In other words we don't get a vote in what heaven does or doesn't do. I have for one renounced my spiritual "declaration of independence." While the real one helped give birth to a nation, it can also create within us a "independent," spirit that is not healthy. To some degree we need to "re-monarch" ourselves by declaring we indeed have a King.