Friday, January 24, 2014
Basic Monetary Policy- What you don't know can and often will hurt you.
Wednesday, January 22, 2014
Salvaging America's Infrastructure Pt.3 | Approaches to problems from the vantage point of a clean sheet of paper

Back in the 60's the United States government decided that "urban blight," needed to be cleaned up in our inner cities. The Department of Housing and Urban Development or HUD as we know it was promoting massive funding for cities across the US to "clean up," their infrastructure. In no small measure the problems stem back to the civil war and its social upheavals. In reality what most people with wealth wanted to do is get the poor into a more palatable package. They simply looked bad to everyone else.
Architects and Planners across the US began to explore options for what would "be best," for "those people," from their perspective. The end result was a architectural Vietnam occurring within the inner cities. The physical design did not take into account the social structures in place causing a kind of genocide to take place. The architecture itself was the culprit. No one bothered to involve the end user in the process. By taking a "low rise," society and placing them in a "high rise," environment they took the existing mentor ship and security away from the community.
Salvaging America's Infrastructure Pt.2 | Powering down our collective lifestyle while empowering our individual freedom
Before you go screaming off in the night thinking there is no hope, lets look at some things we can all do that are at little cost or in some cases no cost to you as a consumer to have a big impact on the future of humanity!. We as individuals can devise plans now to do what government can not do. We can indeed power down our lifestyles and power up our individual freedoms.
Small steps we can each take today that can have huge collective impact on our individual futures and on society as a whole.
- Have a family meeting and make a conscience decision that enough is enough. Its time for changes and each of us can make a difference.
- Replace all of your incandescent light bulbs with florescent or LED based luminaries
- Keep the lights turned off and install motion sensing switching in some applications. Energy management systems can help with commercial applications.
- Connect all electronic devices to a power strip. When you turn off the device then power down the strip. Many devices continue to use power while in the "off," position.
- Install a programmable thermostat. Turn down the system at night, when you are at work or away for business or holidays.
- Wrap your hot water heater in a blanket. Turn down the thermostat on the tank for normal use and switch it off completely when you are away from home. Take shorter showers while making sure the dish washer and washing machine are "full," before each use.
Monday, January 20, 2014
Salvaging America's Infrastructure Pt.1 | Are we in America the platform for the next third world environment?
Observations about our typical infrastructure
- First we note that this kind of suburban environment is designed around an automobile not the people who live in the community. The form giver for this design is the normal turning radius of a car.
- True freedoms are homogenized into the same vanilla wrapping through zoning restrictions. This is our "legalized" way of enforcing economic segregation. In so doing, we neuter individual initiative in favor of more watered down and dumbed down society.
- We note the complete absence of the ability to produce sustainable volume's of food. This community depends on the availability of a grocery store somewhere within driving distance.
- This also means that the food they eat is most likely produced based on industrial techniques that is dependent on factory farms along with their fossil fuel contrivances.
- There is the absence of any educational facilities not associated with transportation dependent on fossil fuels.
- Health care facilities are not located within the communities boundaries. Local treatment centers are absent.
- Note the architecture is devoid of community activity space. Unless you use the sidewalk you are unlikely to be involved with a neighbor as this interaction has been design out of the community. It is by design an isolationist environment.
- More than likely each of these homes is lacking in the basics of energy conservation or alternative energy production in the context of its use. This factor leads the infrastructure to be dependent on large scale energy producers.
- There is no ability to generate or harvest water. Depending on the climate the waste water associated with rain would meet much of the needs of each household.
- Recreational facilities are absent.
- Jobs are found somewhere apart from the community more than likely dependent on several forms of carbon based transportation.
Is George Washington electable as president of the United States
Most patriotic Americans hold the founding fathers in high esteem. Many of us believe that if they could some how be resurrected back into power, they could help us get the nation back on its feet. Unfortunately for us the founding fathers are not electable within the current political system in the United States. Lets take a few minutes and look at a few of the facts.
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