Before you go screaming off in the night thinking there is no hope, lets look at some things we can all do that are at little cost or in some cases no cost to you as a consumer to have a big impact on the future of humanity!. We as individuals can devise plans now to do what government can not do. We can indeed power down our lifestyles and power up our individual freedoms.
Small steps we can each take today that can have huge collective impact on our individual futures and on society as a whole.
- Have a family meeting and make a conscience decision that enough is enough. Its time for changes and each of us can make a difference.
- Replace all of your incandescent light bulbs with florescent or LED based luminaries
- Keep the lights turned off and install motion sensing switching in some applications. Energy management systems can help with commercial applications.
- Connect all electronic devices to a power strip. When you turn off the device then power down the strip. Many devices continue to use power while in the "off," position.
- Install a programmable thermostat. Turn down the system at night, when you are at work or away for business or holidays.
- Wrap your hot water heater in a blanket. Turn down the thermostat on the tank for normal use and switch it off completely when you are away from home. Take shorter showers while making sure the dish washer and washing machine are "full," before each use.
- Use biodegradable soaps that are Eco friendly. Remember what goes down the drain ends up somewhere that needs your help in cleaning up.
- When you replace major appliances, buy energy star rated equipment. In some instances there are tax incentives for such activity.
- Place a common brick in your toilet tank to reduce water consumption. When you replace your toilets purchase the duel action fixtures that use less water.
- Replace your shower head with a higher efficiency device.
- Install smoke detectors in your home and place ABC rated fire extinguishers in your bedroom closet, kitchen and garage (catch fire hazards before they become major incidents).
- Clean out your home, attic, garage of clutter and junk. (remove fire hazards)
- Have a yard sale to pay for your energy upgrades and recycle the rest. Habitat and Good Will will be happy to recycle what you have.
- Make all your purchases from business that are "green," while knowing the recycled content of everything you buy. Buy from places like Good Will or places that are recycling everything from furniture to clothing.
- Know where all of your purchases are manufactured. Become an informed consumer. Look for the made in America labels. Understand the consequences of overseas manufactures. Know their labor practices, environmental practices and their monetary policies in how they may manipulate the value of their products
- Harvest your rain water. This is not difficult to do nor expensive. Use this water to irrigate your landscaping and or washing cars or lawn mowers. Install a solar pump that will allow you to move this water to where ever its needed.
- Use drip irrigation not spray techniques
- Recycle all plastics, glass, tin, aluminum, cardboard, news paper and magazines. Compost your food wastes in the back yard.
- Us "on line," versions of printed media to save the paper waste trail.
- Start a local back yard garden. Get into the habit of growing food and becoming much more self sustainable. Use only heirloom, non-GMO products. Look into creating a "community," garden in your neighborhood. Use your own composting for fertilizers. Avoid pesticides.
- Check at the local farmers market for "Subscription," services that will provide you with a weekly basket of organic vegetable thru what is called a "CSA." This increased revenue to the farmers and brings a health food sources to your kitchen table.
- Make sure you know the sources for your meat, poultry, pork and fish products. Our fisheries are in deep trouble and the waste products from poultry mass production contains arsenic and other harmful steroid induced products into our water system. The FDA and USDA are nothing more than the fox watching the hen house. China and other overseas sources for these products is not regulated as it should. You are what you eat.
- Eat out less and eat in more.
- Don't just mindlessly eat the portions that are presented to you. A kids meal often has the right caloric content, not the adult proportions. Count calories and know what your consuming.
- Stay away from the big "Box," stores and buy local when ever possible.
- Stop buying bottled water. Use a filter at home in conjunction with a container that is reusable.
- Cut down on plastic consumption. Used recyclable glass or other products more.
- Rent movies for home use while finding ways to entertain ourselves more at home. (cut down on fuel)
- Start eating healthy and exercising. See where that sidewalk leads in front of the house. Use dietary supplements and get healthy (cut down on your health care foot print). Most doctors are truly tired of treating symptoms and disease that are life style related. Let get healthy.
- Limit TV/Game times with the kids. It's not healthy at any level. Get them outside and involved in sports or hobby activities.
- Get to know your neighbors and support community interaction. Grill out or have a block party that promotes sustainable approaches in your neighborhood.
- Look into home schooling if your lifestyle supports this activity .
- Start a home based faith initiative. Gather people in the area to your home as a "home church," that supported by your "larger," affiliations. Many, many faith based programs support this effort.
- Start a community watch program that more "secures," the neighborhood.
- Take a red cross first aid course. Build a first aid kit for your home. Know how to take care of yourself and your neighborhood in times of crisis.
- Check with your local utility company about various "green initiatives," they may support. Install solar panels and upgrade aging less efficient heating equipment where financially possible.
- Quite using credit cards and get out of debt. Stop supporting the monetary Ponzi scheme that is dependent on our debt based consumer habits. Double up on mortgage payments and or look at refinancing home mortgages with lower interest rates for shorter periods of time. Equity can become available to finance energy improvements.
- Use car pooling and or public transit when ever possible. Make sure your day is well organized to avoid unnecessary travel.
- Keep your car tuned up and the tires inflated to proper pressures to maximize your fuel efficiency.
- Never buy a new vehicle unless your planing to keep it for a long time after its paid for. Let someone else carry the depreciation.
- If you purchase a new car, go ahead put 300K miles on it! If your going to keep it longer, you can afford to spend more for a higher quality purchase. 30 miles per gallon is not uncommon these days.
- Look for bio-diesel and ethanol fuel sources. Make sure your vehicle is set up and tuned for these fuel types.
- Look closely and honestly at what it cost you to work away from your neighborhood. What is the time, fuel, insurance, and cost of you spending your life away from home and loved one's. Ask yourself if its worth it? Find more local job that may pay less and live healthier lives.
- Buy recycled lumber or other rebuilding products for your home improvement projects.
- Make your purchases with a generational mindset not a disposable one. Buying "cheap," on the front end may not be your most sustainable option.
If we as individuals go to these lengths in only half of these key points, the over all impact in this nation would be staggering. Simply staggering. The Cabal that is feeding off of our laziness would be out of a job. By taking some simple steps we could have a major impact on the following industries.
Bottle Water Industry- 102.3 Billion dollars a year revenue stream
Oil and energy companies.- Multi Trillion dollar a year industry (no one knows the actual totals)
Factory Farms-173 Billion dollar a year revenue stream
Monsanto and its sister companies-223 Billion dollar annual revenue stream
Pharmaceutical Industry- 340 Billion annually sales
Heath Care Industry- 2.1 Trillion dollars spent annually
Plastics Industry- 796 Billion annually sales.
Banking mortgages and credit card debt-50.2 Trillion dollars of debt
You may feel helpless to battle the kind of global financial predation taking place thru the Cabal. It seems that trillion dollar issues are way out of our pay grade. We have to guard our hearts from becoming discouraged, pacified and depressed. One of The real keys is in your hands right now, today. It's truly disproportionate something that you are involved with hour by hour each day. Simply turn off their system that is in your pockets will truly change the course of history.
It's easy to forget that the power sources for these people ultimately plays out in your living room every day. You are the power to their system. Without you as a consumer, their revenue stream will collapse. When you cut back or in some cases stop buying their products you keep them from making unabated progress.
If there truly is going to be a re-set of the global financial and monetary systems, for God's sake, don't mindlessly give away our resources, flushing them down into the broken cisterns now in place. Your new found wealth will run thru your fingers like water in a sieve! Lets be smart and wise up to a brighter future. Its really not about money at all is it?
Lets not burn the house down quite yet. Start today with a determined effort to get on the band wagon of denying financial power to the cabal thru your lifestyle habits. Throw an aluminum can into the recycle bin may be the first step toward a path to a more sustainable future. Every journey begins with the first step. Let's begin today. Part three of this series will offer long term solutions as well as a glimpse into what the future may hold.
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