Saturday, June 6, 2015

Community Planning from the Kingdom of God's perspective-Part 2

Spiritual Mapping

One of the fist steps in transferring stewardship of property is to perform a title search. A title search is a review of all known legal claims connected to the property. Should a lien or encumbrance be found, this issue has to be resolved prior to transfer of ownership. The heirs of the person holding a lien in the distant past can, in some cases, have recourse against a “New” owner in this present age.

A spiritual map is nothing more than a title search. If we want to remove grounds for which Satan interferes with a potential development, we must research the history of our land. In this review of history, we see who released evil in or communities. Once a “lien” is found in the spiritual realm, we simply apply repentance before God to release the “lien.”

Satan continually accuses us before God. There is only one reason he has this access to the courts of heaven. That is unconfessed sin. The earth is the Lord’s and the fullness thereof. It is through the hand of man that the accuser has access to interfere with the destiny of mankind. Thru these many open doors he is granted grounds to inflict injury, destroy lives, and bringing about conflict.

Spiritual mapping is the tool that unlocks strategies to release our communities into higher levels of kingdom understanding. It was settled on the cross; we need to find out what sin patterns have not been confessed before the Father.

When we have brought to bear the authority of the cross thru acts of repentance by those who are the offending party, the accuser no longer has the grounds to interfere with the harvest deposited in the land. Historically repeated generational cycles of sin are broken. Shifts can occur releasing us into an open heaven.

Case Study in Spiritual Mapping

 During the 1700’s white settlers began in earnest to encroach upon Cherokee lands. Discovery of the New World triggered a long struggle for control and supremacy between European Nations. The surge of newly arriving immigrants increased annually. These new comers pressed westward, as settlements grew crowded in the east. They saw vast stretches of wilderness seemingly uninhabited except for scattered tribal villages. All native people were viewed as inhabitants having no recorded claim or title to the land. There was little civil government along the frontier. Colonial Europeans moved into Indian territories one way or another. Settlers from the east were simply not going to be contained by the physical barrier of the Appalachian Mountains. The British government was growing more and more incapable of ruling the colonies. King George III had forbid development of lands west of the Appalachian Mountains. Rising unrest was apparent in the colonies. The land to the west was much too enticing.

The Cherokee nation and its warriors were first the pawns between the British and French, then between the colonies of Virginia and South Carolina and then a pawn between the British and the American colonies. All of these groups saw the strategic importance of this large nation with its thousands of warriors positioned at the back door of the new colonies. Living in their native land the Cherokee had little comprehension or understanding of the international political forces, which were closing in from all sides.

During one raid on the Cherokee Middle Towns, Lieutenant Francis Marion wrote with eloquent terms what he saw take place.

“We proceeded by Colonel Grant’s orders to burn the Indian cabins. Some of the men seemed to enjoy this cruel work laughing hardily at the curling flames, but to me it appeared a shocking sight. Poor creatures, thought I, who surely need not grudge such miserable habitations, but when we came according the orders to cut down the fields of corn, I could scarcely refrain from tears. Who, without grief, could see the stately stalks with bared ground leaves and tasseled tops? The staff of life sink under our swords with all their precious load to wither and rot un-tasted in their mourning field. I saw everywhere around the footsteps of little Indian children where they had lately played under the shade of their rustling corn. When we are gone, thought I, they will return and peeping through the weeds with tearful eyes will mark the ghastly ruin where they had so often played. ‘Who did this?’ they will ask their mothers and the reply will be, ‘The white people did it, the Christians did it’. Thus for cursed mammon’s sake, the followers of Christ have sowed the selfish tares of hate …….”

The fledgling independence movement found its way across the Appalachian Mountains into what is now East Tennessee. Having to face either the tyranny of British rule or hostile Indians, some chose to face the Cherokee. Despite stern warnings from the Crown of England for all white settlers to leave native land west of the Appalachian Mountains, settlements at Watauga and Nolichucky were created. 

 The Cherokees first reaction was not war. The Cherokee Tribal council negotiated a ten-year lease agreement with the Wataugans. In exchange for this land lease, they were to receive the equivalent of a $1,000 per year in trade goods. Their desire was to live peacefully along side of the white settlers while they remained stewards of the land. The Wataugans also agreed to no further encroachment on native lands. There was a peaceful coexistence during the early years of the lease. This peace was short lived when the white settlers continued to want more land while not providing trade goods as promised.

All of the early colonies were, of course, associated with English rule. The Wataugans formed an association that became the root of the first independent government in the Americas. It is said by those who live in the Elizabethton, Tennessee area (the original Fort Watagua site) that the independence movement was started at this location spreading into the thirteen colonies. The English became infuriated with the treaty/lease agreement made with the Wataguans. England felt threatened by any association with a Tory camp. This was construed as an act of aggression against colonial rule. Ultimately setting the stage for British troops to once again wage war against the Cherokee nation.

 More than 500 treaties would be signed with the native peoples of America, only two were ever kept by either the British or American government. Hostilities continued to flare as native warriors retaliated for white encroachments and white settlers exacted their revenge on native populations for what they felt were atrocities. Nan-ye-hi found herself continuously in a place of attempting to mediate between warring factions. Piece by piece, treaty by treaty the Cherokee nation was being dismantled.

One such treaty occurred at Sycamore Shoals, and is known as the Transylvania Treaty. This treaty is recognized today as the largest private land acquisition in the history of the United States. It involved most of middle Tennessee and Kentucky. Some 20 million acres were involved in this transaction. Chief Attakullakulla, Little Carpenter, was involved in the negotiations for this land. This treaty was deception on a massive scale. Dragging Canoe, the son of the peace chief Little Carpenter, saw through the negotiations and immediately suggested that no one sign such a treaty, barter away lands that had been their hunting ground for millennia. His persuasive speech created real problems for those negotiating the land treaty. Henderson, as leader of the Transylvania Land Company, and his partners were greatly upset by the turn of events from Dragging Canoe’s talk. Their way of dealing with this intrusion into their lucrative deal was to hold a very large feast. The most important element of this feast was serving the Indians a lot of rum. The land company continued in making very persuasive talks, displaying the many trade goods that were part of the deal. Despite his son’s pleading, Attakullakulla and the chiefs present accepted Henderson’s offer.

It was at this point that Dragging Canoe made his pronunciation that Middle Tennessee and Kentucky would be a “dark and bloody land for the whites to settle.”



Kingdom Compact of 2010
May 2, 2010

Whereas the first independent democratically governed communities in the United States were four settlements located in what is now East Tennessee. 

Whereas a reconciliation has occurred between the descendants of these settlements and the western band of the Cherokee nation on April 24th 2010. 

Whereas these settlements made the first covenants between any tribal group and a democratically governed European community. The stipulations of this first covenant were broken.

Whereas the descendants of this community have confessed and reconciled this broken covenant first before God and then to the Cherokee nation.

Whereas forgiveness and blessing have been restored to the land now known as Tennessee.

Whereas the cloud of shame has been replaced with an open heaven. The dark and bloody land has been replaced by the brightness of the kingdom of God and the blood that was shed on the cross.

Whereas each of these four foundational settlements were carrying a wound from generational abuse and violence at the hand of other nations.

Whereas in 2001 the Antiphonary of Bangor was returned and reintroduced at the Bangor Abby for the first time in recorded history. It was the first time that the prayer watches were kept at this location since the Abby was ransacked by the Danes in 810AD. This ransacking ended over 150 years of continual 24/7/365 prayer and worship.

Whereas, it was said among the Irish that until the prayers of the monks were reestablished at the Abby, Ireland would be a violent place. This prayerful act of reestablishing the 24 hour watches, helped contribute to the breaking of the word curse spoken over the Irish. Since that 24 hours of prayer, the IRA disarmed itself, establishing historic peace accords, and to the best of our knowledge, no further bombings have occurred in the United Kingdom at the hand of the IRA.

Whereas, The Cherokee Prophets prior to first European contact foretold of a people coming as a white serpent from across the water. This white serpent has been identified as fear-based control within their hearts.

Whereas the four settlements in East Tennessee fell short of their desire of giving birth to a righteous independence movement. This root of fear-based control bore the fruit of an independent spirit, a religious spirit, idolatry thru various fraternal organizations and a controlling spirit.

Whereas the fruit of fear-based control found its way into the first written covenants between settlers of these communities. These covenants were known as compacts. The first of these covenants governing a democratically governed European community outside the crowns of Europe was the Watauga Compact of 1772, the second being the Transylvania Compact of 1775 and the foundational agreement for what is now Nashville (and ultimately the state of Tennessee) was the Cumberland Compact of 1780.

Whereas this stronghold of fear-based control was dismantled by the mutual prayers of the reconciled descendants of the Watauga settlement of 1772 and the remnants of the Cherokee People located in Tahlequah, Oklahoma.

Whereas it was recognized that the name of our state, Tennessee, has roots in the governmental center of the Cherokee Nation known as Tanasee. This village being a seat of justice and righteous government for millennia prior to European contact.

Where as we ,the citizens of this state, recognized and accepted the birthright from the Cherokee by spiritually renaming our state Tanasee.

Whereas this prayer was with governmental proclamation from Carter County, Tennessee, and occurred with Tribal governmental blessing of the Cherokee People.

Whereas the night of the passage of the resolution from Carter County an earth quake of magnitude 3.3, with an epicenter located just miles north of Tanasee shook East Tennessee.

Whereas this prayer was also carried out under national apostolic leadership among various streams of the body of Christ.

Whereas a divorce decree has been issued toward Baal and any associated entity in this state. These covenants have been broken both in the State and in Washington DC of recent. This includes ancient pathways which may have been involved sun worship, human sacrifice or other defilement over the ages.

Whereas a writ of assistance has been sought on behalf of the people of God. This writ transfers all assets of Gods enemies toward the people of God.

Therefore, be it resolved and recorded in heaven, we the undersigned declare that any foundational flaws of these first covenants or compacts of 1772, 1775 and 1780 are hereby null and void before the throne of God.

By the voice of descendants of both the Watauga settlements of 1772 and those in Fort Nashboro who signed the original plea for statehood under the name of the state of Franklin, we establish this day, foundationally, the Kingdom Compact of 2010 in our beloved land of Tanasee. This compact supplants, supersedes and displaces all prior holdings upon this land.

We declare the headship of Jesus Christ upon the land of Tanasee.

We declare the reconciliation of the cross foundational to our state.

We declare in Tanasee that Jesus Christ died on the cross and rose from the dead on the third day.

We declare this work upon the cross has reconciled us to the Father and opened the way for the Holy Spirit to become an indwelling part of all who are have come under His salvation in this land.

We declare the Gifts of the Holy Spirit are active and available to all who believe. We pull up the roots of unbelief and secession from the Kingdom thru doubt and fear-based control.

Just as our state voted to secede from the union we declare unification between our state and the community of believers known governmentally as the Kingdom of God in Tanasee.

We declare that the inhabitants of Tanasee are no longer invisible. We are no longer orphans and a fatherless people. We renew afresh the covenants of God to his people who dwell in this land.

We declare the preeminence of the word of God upon the land of Tanasee. It is this document that guides us to know who God was, who God is and who God will be.

We supplant the three compacts initiated among the early settlers with the Compact of Gods Holy Word this day.

We give our hearts afresh to you Jesus Christ, Father God and Holy Spirit to represent the Kingdom Compact among the inhabitants of this state.

We declare and decree a resettlement to occur. Just as early settlers looked across the mountains and saw fertile land, we gaze across the veil of heaven to the fertile ground of heartfelt reunions with the Kingdom of God. We call forth the pioneers to this new land. We say that once again this land known as Tanasee will give forth its fruit commensurate with the work of the cross.

Let there begin one of the greatest migrations of pilgrims toward a new destination called the Kingdom of God that the earth as ever witnessed. We release the gospel of the Kingdom upon the land. May its seeds produce great fruit.

We declare that settlements and resources will be released in this season for the Kingdom to not only find a place in our hearts but in places of community as well. We call forth villages, homes, schools, grocery stores, governmental centers, businesses into this new place of this new platform where we now stand.

We ask God thru His great mercies to move afresh thru the open heaven in our state of Tanasee.

Be it further resolved, that this resolution be spread upon the official minutes of this meeting between God the Father and his people.

Done, finished, complete, this 2 day of May, 2010

State of Tanasee

We, the citizens of this state, do hereby certify that the fore-going is a true and complete copy of the Kingdom compact of 2010, as the same appears of record in the offices of heaven.

All present signed


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