Thursday, July 2, 2015

Temple of the Holy Spirit: The Human Body

Update:  As of July 1, 2015 I officially reached my ideal weight for my age and height.  I have walked over 800 miles since February first of this year.  Total weight loss was 61 pounds in 5 months.  My waist size dropped from a 44 to a comfortable 38.  I am now jogging 2K every morning.  I walk another 5K in the evening.  Joint and back problems have disappeared.  There is new found enjoyment in eating three healthy meals a day along with two between meal snacks.  Because I was not part of any fad diet, now that I am finished with weight loss, maintaining my current weight is not a big problem. All of the same tools I used to lose weight will help me keep it off.   If your over weight, don't delay getting a handle on your lifestyle now.  Its without doubt what God wants you to do with his temple.


Temple of the Holy Spirit: The Human Body

Todd Carey and Doctor J. Mark Rodgers, DPM

Its one thing to be given the tools and resources to create a new wine skin, but are we carrying into this new season a decrepit lifestyle?  What good is a new physical environment if we are not healthy enough to enjoy it?  Its time for us to get our "house" in order.

Did God give us human bodies to use and abuse as we like, or does He expect more? How does He expect us to view and care for the marvelous bodies He designed? Many people believe, “It’s my body, and I can treat it any way I like.” But what does our Creator God say?

Fearfully and wonderfully made

“Fearfully and wonderfully made” is how King David described God’s creation of human beings (Psalm 139:14). David praised God for this marvelous work called the human body. There are several references in the Bible where the body is actually likened to a temple (John 2:21; 1 Corinthians 6:19).

There is a purpose behind everything God does, and the creation of the human body is no different. A major purpose in this life is to grow in the righteous character of God. Through His dwelling in us by the power of His Holy Spirit, we are helped in achieving that purpose in life that will enable us to live forever in His family.

The apostle Paul shed light on the purpose of the human body when he told the brethren in Corinth, “For you are the temple of the living God. As God has said: ‘I will dwell in them and walk among them. I will be their God, and they shall be My people.’ Therefore ‘Come out from among them and be separate, says the Lord. Do not touch what is unclean, and I will receive you’” (2 Corinthians 6:16-17).

Paul explained that God will dwell in men by the power of His Spirit. If our bodies are to serve as a temple or dwelling place for the Holy Spirit, does God have specific expectations about how we treat and care for our bodies?

Health knowledge

There is more published today on health matters than at any other time in human history. The many studies and advances in the health sciences mean we have a much better understanding of what we can do to gain and retain a level of good health. This includes regular exercise, proper diet, getting enough rest and proper emotional health.

 When we do what is necessary to maintain physical health, we find our minds are sharper and better able to think, remember, learn and focus. The need for a sharp mind is just as important for spiritual matters as physical!

But our world is filled with opportunities for us to abuse our bodies. Many of the typical “fast foods” are quite limited in important vitamins and minerals and are instead filled with fats, sugars and chemicals that actually destroy good health.

High-stress lifestyles require people to push harder and work longer hours to accomplish more and more. According to the National Sleep Foundation, drivers who are drowsy are just as impaired as drivers who are under the influence of drugs or alcohol. Researchers have discovered that chronic sleep deprivation contributes to high blood pressure, heart attack, obesity and likelihood of a stroke, in addition to significantly decreased cognitive function. Lack of proper rest equals health problems!

While the Bible does not condemn all use of alcohol, it does condemn the abuse of alcohol. Modern research is replete with descriptions of the negative consequences of too much alcohol.

Likewise, the results of abusing drugs and other substances, legal or otherwise, have been abundantly documented. Some substances attack the muscles, some attack the lungs and heart, and many attack the brain itself. In time, the result will be health that is diminished and a body that may be broken beyond repair. This is not how God intended that we care for His wonderful creation!

Your body is to house the Holy Spirit

Paul taught members the need to remember what was dwelling in them and how they would be held accountable for their care of their spiritual temple. “Do you not know that you are the temple of God and that the Spirit of God dwells in you? If anyone defiles the temple of God, God will destroy him. For the temple of God is holy, which temple you are” (1 Corinthians 3:16-17).

We human beings are accountable to God for the way in which we care for our bodies. The analogy of a temple points to the temple in Jerusalem that Paul knew at that time. This temple was a rebuilt version of the magnificent temple Solomon had built long before.

Later on, in 1 Corinthians 6 Paul warned the Church about sexual immorality, stating: “Do you not know that your bodies are members of Christ? Shall I then take the members of Christ and make them members of a harlot? Certainly not!” (Verse 15). And again in 1 Corinthians 6:18 he wrote, “Flee sexual immorality.”

His meaning is clear: Sexual immorality is a sin that defiles our bodies—making a mockery of the temple in which the Holy Spirit is to dwell.

Care for the body

We are what we eat. It is important to know what a healthy diet is and what isn’t. Planning our meals is part of our spiritual stewardship as importantly as any hymn we have ever sung.

We also care for our bodies with proper sleep and exercise and appropriate social activities. It is no secret that even the things we think about can impact our health. Solomon wrote, “A good report makes the bones healthy” (Proverbs 15:30). What we choose to think about and even the words from family and friends can affect our health.

Paul wrote: “Whatever things are true, whatever things are noble, whatever things are just, whatever things are pure, whatever things are lovely, whatever things are of good report, if there is any virtue and if there is anything praiseworthy—meditate on these things” (Philippians 4:8).

God promises to give a peace of mind that can help us cope with stresses and trials that sometimes war against our temple of the Holy Spirit. Thinking about things God wants us to think about will promote spiritual health to the temple.


Of course, there may be limitations to what we are able to do to preserve our health. Part of the equation is genetic or may involve environmental factors that are beyond our control. For example, the New Testament gives us the example of a man blind from birth, through no fault of his own (John 9:1-3).

In the same manner, some health weaknesses may not be caused by lack of self-discipline or failure to follow practices that would honor God, but may result from genetic predisposition or factors in our environment or life situation over which we have no control. However, given those constraints, God expects us to do as we are able to follow balanced guidelines pertaining to diet and exercise.

 A temple like no other

The temple Solomon built was magnificent! Many parts of the temple were overlaid with pure gold, including the altar and the inner sanctuary (1 Kings 6:21-22).

Our bodies, which are to be the temple of the Holy Spirit, are also quite special. Anything that contains God’s presence is deemed holy. The body that receives the gift of the Holy Spirit is special to God and is to reflect His nature.

How would you describe the current state of your temple—your body? We have the freedom to choose how we will care for this precious body lovingly designed by the Creator. It is His intent that we care for it and use it properly. Fearfully and wonderfully made is this body God created—the temple of the Holy Spirit!

Some practical Tools


Myfitnesspal is a free app for your smart phone that will track your food consumption, weight, and interface with any wrist warn fitness device.  Set your goals and start to loose weight.  The bar code scanner is most helpful in scanning any produce with a bar code on it to find out caloric content.  If you really want to loose weight, your life is going to change.  Once you understand calories and how they effect you then you have the tools to not just loose weight but keep it off.

My best weight loss calorie intake is around 1000 (plus or minus 100) calories spread out over 3 meals and 2 snacks.  If I eat too little my body stops loosing.  if I eat more than this then I start to gain weight.  At 1000 a day at my age and height, I loos about .3 of a pound a day.  With some practice you can plan and eat 300 calorie meals without difficult. 

Garmin is one of the leading providers for wrist warn activity monitors.  It tracks your movement, jogging, and walking regiment.  It interfaces with a small USB device called an "ant" drive that comes with the watch.  Uploading the connect software also interfaces with your phone app through Myfitnesspal.  Between the two devices you can put together a healthy fitness program.
I walk 3 miles in the morning after breakfast and another 3 miles after dinner in the evenings.  My total movement for a typical day is around 8 miles.  Every other day in the morning I carry a 43 pound backpack for training purposes.  This adds to the training regiment and burns calories. 

Strength training is an important part of your new lifestyle.  Many people join a gym, I purchased the equipment for home use.  It requires a little discipline but I like working out at home.  Strength training should be undertaken with light weights 3 times a week.  Don't over do it. 

There are 12 stations on the Weilder gym in the picture.  I use all of them every other day.

I use Crane digital scales.  It is important that you use equipment that is set accurately and measures accurately.  The crane equipment can also calculate body mass and other vitally important information.  I weight each morning having emptied myself.  Enter the weight into your Garmin Connect fields.  That way you know where you are each day. The trend downward will be a great comfort to you.  You will not loose weight every day.  My experience is that the trend looks like a wave.  I loose a few pounds then my body stops for a day to regroup.  Don't be discouraged.  Your body will respond over time. 

You need a good pair of shoes to walk in.  I use Merrell's.  There is a shoe outlet store here locally where I watch for bargains.  I found the pair I am using now for $39.00.  I have walked some 700 miles on my fitness regiment.  The soul of the shoe is about gone.  Just as important as shoes is good socks.  Don't scrimp.  Local running shops carry a good line of socks. 


As your body looses weight, you'll need to think about clothing.  I have shrunk from a tight 44 down to a 38.  All my old clothing was taken to Goodwill.  Meanwhile I took note of the half price sale.  When sale time rolled around,  I bought 3 pair of jeans, 5 pair of dress shorts, 6 pairs of everyday shorts, 4 knit shirts, and 5 short sleeve dress shirts all for $60.  This allowed me to have a "interim" wardrobe as the weight came off.  Under normal circumstances you can buy a pair of jeans for $7, a pair of shorts for $5, and a shirt for $4.  If you are patient you can find new clothing with the tags still on it.  About 90% is to warn for my tastes but with some "shopping" skills, I have a closet full of nice clothing for near nothing.  All the name brands are there including Columbia, Old Navy, Izod, ect. ect.

Its simple.  Drink water or die.  Don't use water bottles that you can't reuse.  Get a water filter for your home.  The bottle water industry is responsible for massive pollution.  Buy a Nalgene and use it for years.  You should be drinking several litters of water a day.  I put a lemon in mine. 


I have had help along the way from my Nutritional Coach Jessica Hunsucker from Optimal Health and Performance.  She has been a great source for encouragement and nutritional help.  Jess is great to work with if your in the Middle Tennessee area.  This program is of her design!  Hats off Jess!
Utilizing all of the above, I have lost 50 pounds in 4 months.  I still have around 12 pounds to go.  My strength has increased 100 percent.  When I first started I could scarcely walk a mile.  Now I walk 6 miles without difficulty.  I have gone from a snug 44 inch waist to a 38.  My shirt size has dropped from a XL to a L.  I have lost 20 percent of my body mass. 
The biggest issue with fitness is the space between our ears.  We have to want to live a different lifestyle.  If you do, then you can shape up without problems.
Knowing that the Holy Spirit does in fact "inhabit" the same physical body gives us a different perspective.  I felt the Spirit say to me the other day, "I like what you've done to the place."  Join me in participating not just in circumstantial reformation but a physical one as well.  Remember, you are wonderfully and fearfully made!

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