Sunday, November 19, 2017

Kingdom Reformation Declaration of 2017

November 19, 2017

For years now, many of us have been feeling the need for a second reformation.  In just the past few weeks we celebrated the 500th anniversary of the first reformation.  While the first reformation gave birth to what we now know as the Protestant faith, we now feel that it’s time to take another step forward toward becoming more like the “spotless bride” we are destined to become.

For the first reformation to manifest into a sustainable movement, Martin Luther had to write down his thoughts and nail them to the door of the church.  It took this tangible outgrowth from his heart for something physical to happen.

For over a decade now God has planted the seeds in my heart for a new wine skin.  There are now some 8000 pages of journaled interaction between us over the subject.  Just the other day I heard a voice tell me that it was time to “write it down.”  In other words, it was time for me as a modern-day reformer to follow in the steps of Martin Luther to write down what is in my heart so that something synergistic can tangible happen in support of the physical implementation of creating this new model.  

Out of what I feel is obedience……….

1.    Whereas…. Shifts are needed from social doctrines back to the centrality of the work of the Cross above all else.

a)    Jesus

1)    Savior
2)    Redeemer
3)    Friend

b)    Father

1)    Lover and creator of all creation
2)    Head of All
3)    Decision Maker
4)    Ruler

c)    Holy Spirit

1)    Voice of heaven in an individual’s life
2)    Equipper (supernatural)
3)    Connection to both the Father and Son
4)    Comforter (supernatural)

2.    Plumb line of truth reestablished

a)    Role of the Bible in establishing a generational foundation
b)    Study of original text (Hebrew/Greek)
c)    The engrafted vine (importance of Israel)

3.    Exposing Cultural filters

a)    Roman influences from the 3rd century church
1)    Sunday Worship vs. Sabbath traditions
2)    The high noon sun solstice paradigm
3)    Sophist and the Greek/Roman traditions of oratory superstars
4)    Relic worship and its influences on church/cemetery use
5)    Professional staff and the lay/clergy separation
6)    Rhetoric and the three-point sermon
7)    Religious Spirit, control vs. freedom

4.    Religious movements-Christianity without a relationship

a)    Western mindsets. Focus on “self” what we get out of the package.
b)    Control of a self-serving population to support an agenda (economic and otherwise)
c)    Ritual based compliance

5.    Religious justification for exploitation of resources at any cost

a)    John 3:16 fully understood (original Greek text)
b)    God’s love for all creation
c)    Western mindsets

1)    The disposable environment
2)    Abuse of creation (including the human element)

6.    The Spiritual role of Stewardship needs clarity and understanding (two-fold Internal and external)

a)    (Internal) Personal Stewardship

1)    Body-Crossfit

1.    Functional fitness
2.    Nutrition
3.    Strength through physical stewardship
4.    Application through outreach programs. 

2)    Soul-Personal Growth Empowerment

1.    SOZO
2.    Various counseling models
3.    Life Languages International Coaching

3)    Spirit- Personal growth

1.    Devotional
2.    Class formats
3.    Resource center for growth

b)    (External) Global stewardship of the land

1)    Zero carbon

1.    Community planning
2.    Architecture

a.    Energy
b.    Water
c.    Waste

3.    Food Production

a.    Locally sources
b.    Organic
c.    Humanely based
d.    GMO free

4.    Water

a.    Use
b.    Waste recycling

5.    Waste

a.    Recycling
b.    Composting

7.    Mammon and its stranglehold "Give me control of a nation's money and I care not who makes its laws"

a)    Economic platforms

1)    US Economy
2)    Rolls of the Central Banks
3)    Debt based economic policies
4)    FIAT currencies and the “Nixon shock.”

b)    Health Care systems

1)    Perpetual treating symptoms vs. offering cures
2)    Pharmaceutical strongholds
3)    Medical Colleges and their grants programs
4)    Hippocratic oaths-who have we surrendered to
5)    The FDA

c)    Governmental politics

1)    Lobby efforts in the US and their billion-dollar budgets
2)    PAC/SPAC and the Supreme court rulings of recent
3)    Example-EPA had little to do with the environment and more to do with wealth.

d)    Educational Paradigms

1)    Perpetuating a system of servants to an agenda
2)    Teaching the test
3)    Roots of the dumbing down of a population to empower a debt based economy.

e)    Religious infrastructure

1)    501c3 controls by the Fed 
2)    Offering plate focused on people friendly delivery
3)    The “Three B’s of church success.” Buildings, Budgets and Baptisms
4)    The residue of the tax-free kingdom concept.

8.    Therefore……The New Wine skin-The emergence of a spotless bride

a)    Reestablishment (Christ's on words) of the primary mission of the Church as a center for Prayer.  Prayer being defined as communication between heaven and earth.  

1)    The theology free format
2)    Releasing the “torn veil” of equal access to all
3)    The Word of God as a foundation not a jail cell
4)    Giving vs. tithing.  A release from the temple tax mindset.  
5)    Tearing down the walls separating the secular and the spiritual.  We are not a schizophrenic bride. 
6)    Transformation of the Shepherds image and role
7)    Changes in the image of God without all the cultural bias
8)    Integration of the arts
9)    Elimination of the spectator sport mindset (everyone is active with a meaningful role)
10) Destroying the performance treadmill. (It’s all about the work Christ did on our behalf)
11) Unlocking and empowering the “God within us all.”

1.    Life Languages International
2.    SOZO prayer counseling
3.    Other models
4.    Vocational counseling and equipping

12) Servant leadership vs. rank based structures
13) Diversity as a strength
14) The “For-Prophet” Church.  Gladly paying taxes into community support structures
15) Teaching vs. Preaching
16)  Introduction of worship as a lifestyle.
17) The Kingdom Gospel vs. the salvation gospel. Living now for God along with its many rewards.
18) Conversion vs. Discipleship.  The Great commission speaks to the later not the former.  
19) Embracing and expecting the supernatural presence of God to inhabit our lives, programs, and facilities.   

b)    Community based Christianity

1)    Relational foundations
2)    Christianity based culture, not culturally based Christianity.

1.    Abandonment of the Sunday Paradigm
2.    Worship outside of the box format
3.    Empowering and Equipping
4.    Freedom from cloistered formats
5.    Release from the performance stage presence

3)    Resource center for the region

1.    Education

a.    STEM
b.    Youth program center
c.    Outdoor leadership programs
d.    Training Center
e.    Guest speakers over a wide range of topics
f.     Arts in its full release

4)    Zero Carbon Spiritual Stewardship

1.    Buying “Clean.”  Removing bondage from our supply chain
2.    Trade “vetting” center of commerce. 
3.    Introduction that we are indeed a global community. Out buying habits effect third world populations. 
4.    Architecture and community planning format changes.  Unplug from all systems in a sustainable package.

5)    Economic reforms

1.    Zero debt economic programs within the community
2.    Barter format within the community
3.    Everyone works, everyone has a job.  Everyone earns their own way.  Entitlement is only a short-term emergency program.  
4.    Equal opportunities for a lasting hope and a sustainable future
5.    Co-op formats for everything from food to healthcare.
6.    Introduction of the “not-for-prophet” bank. 
7.    Local “currencies” and how to use them

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