Friday, April 19, 2019

The Big Three: Exposing the Spirit of Mammon

Someone once said that "He who controls the wealth of a nation cares not for who writes the laws."  In other words those who know how systems of government work know the key is control of the money supply.  Note at present no one is addressing offshore tax loop holes or campaign reform other than passing comments or political ploys.  The key is who and what is controlling the systems that steward and create wealth thru the banking systems.  

For the sake of discussion lets call this entity "Mammon."  Mammon has its fingers in everything from healthcare to religious practices.  If I may suggest its main focus is to keep humanity slave to its whims thru bank loans, foreign policy, and world domination of emerging third world economies.  There is enough documentary information available for those who want to know the truth about what is happening at present. 

The FDA isn't about food and drugs, its about mammon.  The EPA isn't about the environment its about mammon.  Some pulpit ministries are not about God, they are about building budgets.  Sustainability isn't about the future its about maintaining systems that are anything but sustainable.  

The Big Three: Exposing the Religious Spirit


If there is a true enemy of God, that entity would have the sole purpose of robbing God of His inheritance of authentic relationship among those whom he created. Especially those who are claiming to be operating in his name.

May I suggest that a name we might use to expose this entity would be the religious spirit. The religious spirit would supersede and thwart attempts by God to communicate with any individual thru habitual religious compliance. Any religion will do.

This entity would also create the theology that somehow anything we create in our own image or social doctrine would then be covered by an umbrella where any religious expression fulfills our duty to worship something, no matter what it is.

Let me say something shocking to some of you. Christianity devoid of an authentic relationship thru Christ is no different than any other religious expression. Without a relationship with Christ on a personal basis, setting in a Church preforming lifeless rituals is no different than setting in a Mosque quoting the Koran.

During the third century under the leadership of Empire Constantine, Christianity "conquered" Rome. But in reality, in my opinion, it was Rome who conquered Christianity. Rome was held together thru religious compliance. When Rome conquered any province, it would erect a temple in its capitol to that new deity. This held together an empire thru religious tolerance. There was even a temple erected to the "unknown" God.

The Big Three: Exposing the Politicial Spirit

Lets assume for a minute that there are indeed "spirits."  What would be the agenda of these entities?  If there are indeed spirits active at diffrent levels, then we can suppose there are those who help us and those who oppose us.  If you are a person of faith then these lines can easily be drawn and understood.  One of the keys to understanding how something works is to understand its command and control systems.  i believe what we are seeing play out in the media as well as American politics is more than business as usual.  Lines have been drawn and perceptions have never been so apparent.  for the sake of discussion I'm going to call this the "Political Spirit."  
At present there is a clear battle taking place for the last superpower and its control structure.  The media has never spun information as wide spread as it is today.  At least in my lifetime.  it is clear that this politicial spirit has the agenda of opposing the government of God from operating at any real level.  It wants to supplant healing with healthcare, God's provision with Entitlement programs, Wisdom thru the Holy Spirit with secular control of educational systems, God's safety with military prowess, and above all to quinch the communication from God with spun and misguided information.  The high priest of this deception are in some cases the media "stars."  They have veiled many people with their mesmerizing carisma.  
What is at stake at present isn't dominance of the nation, it is control that masks itself along party lines.  This is what is at present at work to the determent of those in office.  The media and the support systems are owned by the powerful who are fearing a lose of control.  They are in fact fighting for their economic survival.  
Lets take a indepth look into our nations inner workings and how they operate.