Friday, April 19, 2019

The Big Three: Exposing the Spirit of Mammon

Someone once said that "He who controls the wealth of a nation cares not for who writes the laws."  In other words those who know how systems of government work know the key is control of the money supply.  Note at present no one is addressing offshore tax loop holes or campaign reform other than passing comments or political ploys.  The key is who and what is controlling the systems that steward and create wealth thru the banking systems.  

For the sake of discussion lets call this entity "Mammon."  Mammon has its fingers in everything from healthcare to religious practices.  If I may suggest its main focus is to keep humanity slave to its whims thru bank loans, foreign policy, and world domination of emerging third world economies.  There is enough documentary information available for those who want to know the truth about what is happening at present. 

The FDA isn't about food and drugs, its about mammon.  The EPA isn't about the environment its about mammon.  Some pulpit ministries are not about God, they are about building budgets.  Sustainability isn't about the future its about maintaining systems that are anything but sustainable.  

In its ultimate form it is partnered with the religious spirit and political spirit in what is said from pulpits most every Sunday.  The bible calls it "tickling ears" for the purpose of exploiting the wallets of those in attendance.  This is part and parcel of the Roman Sophist movement that was part of the religious systems that held the Roman Empire in place.  This exploitive system is readily seen in the operational systems of rank based government in todays Church structures.  

This is also a means thru which the congregation controls the agenda of the church.  Withhold giving and turn the nature of the direction thru mammon's grip.  In either way, from the pulpit or the pew the outcome is devoid of God and His purposes.  When a Church leader is supported by the offering plate the door opens.  

Our health care system is designed to treat symptoms on an ongoing means not bring cures.  It is technology and pharmaceutically driven.  Get a can and take a pill.  This is supported by a legal system that has gone mad.  In this current litigious environment the health of the patient looses ground to protecting the provider from suite.  

Anytime you borrow money you are opening yourself up to exploitation.  We spend the most productive part of our lives working in support of interest payments.  We all assume that when we go to the bank we are in fact borrowing money from assets that the bank has in its portfolio.  Follow the money trail and see for yourself what your borrowing and from whom.  The US is a debt driven economy.  Our success is measured on consumer confidence in our willingness to borrow money to buy manufactured goods.  

Mammon fears lose of control over life itself.  It will trample anyone or anything that gets in its way.  Nothing is out of bounds to its hideous duplicity.  Mammon is a hoarder of control systems more than anything else.  When it looses control it can be easily dethroned.  

What do we do?  Unplug from the systems.  Pay cash and live a debt free lifestyle.  Give to places where you know 100% is going to designated needs.  Live in smaller homes.  Drive used cars.  Stay out of the system as long and often as you can.  Exercise and eat well instead of dealing with chronic illness and expensive treatments.  Educate yourself in the how's and what's of the banking industry.  Cut up your credit cards if you can't pay them off monthly.  Recycle and use truly sustainable products.  Buy food from locally sourced providers.  If your a person of faith, you'll find all of this outlined in God's plumb line called the Bible.  When you no longer are a slave to the system, you are free to persue more meaningful life experiences.  

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