If there is a true enemy of God, that entity would have the sole purpose of robbing God of His inheritance of authentic relationship among those whom he created. Especially those who are claiming to be operating in his name.
May I suggest that a name we might use to expose this entity would be the religious spirit. The religious spirit would supersede and thwart attempts by God to communicate with any individual thru habitual religious compliance. Any religion will do.
This entity would also create the theology that somehow anything we create in our own image or social doctrine would then be covered by an umbrella where any religious expression fulfills our duty to worship something, no matter what it is.
Let me say something shocking to some of you. Christianity devoid of an authentic relationship thru Christ is no different than any other religious expression. Without a relationship with Christ on a personal basis, setting in a Church preforming lifeless rituals is no different than setting in a Mosque quoting the Koran.
During the third century under the leadership of Empire Constantine, Christianity "conquered" Rome. But in reality, in my opinion, it was Rome who conquered Christianity. Rome was held together thru religious compliance. When Rome conquered any province, it would erect a temple in its capitol to that new deity. This held together an empire thru religious tolerance. There was even a temple erected to the "unknown" God.
Rome's primary deity was the sun god. This deity held all of the lesser gods in unity. Rome worshiped their sun god on Sunday around the noon hour when the sun was at its zenith. When Rome fell to Christianity, they simply "converted" to a new religious order, that was devoid of relationship. That "conversion" to a religious order still prevails today. It is in fact why the Church universal worships on Sunday around the noon hour. This format and timeframe have never had anything to do with God. It is simply the residue of the religious spirit of the Roman empire.
Even the Reformation failed to address many of the Roman hold overs from its idolatrous roots. In many ways when the death of Crist ripped the veil to the holy of holies in two (allowing access to everyone equally), we have been busily sowing it back together to sustain religious movements. The business of being religious is very lucrative for the high priests of the systems that are so piously protected. The temple tax supported system still consumes vast sums of money annually. I suggest it’s in the billions of dollars annually.
If there is an authentic God, may I suggest that God would be very smart. Smart enough to know that within a generation their identity would be lost amid social understands. There would need to be a plumb bob or document that would help us stay on track. I believe that the canonized bible is just such a device. It is the primary role of the bible to keep every generation from creating a god of convivence based on their own views.
Add to this the day of Pentecost. The day where God came into our lives as an indwelling presence. The Holy Spirit's role is to help us read the plumb line of God's Word with a view from heaven not a view from our flesh.
Meanwhile authentic Christianity is being eroded on just about every level by the hand of the religious spirit, especially among Christians. In my small town of about 30,000 there are over 100 different churches many of whom claim to have exclusive truth due to some form of ritual compliance. This compliance is often centered around water at some level. If God's own words are true, then nothing opens the door for us beyond the sacrifice of heaven on the cross. Believing that water at any level saves us is its own idolatry.
God has shown up at various times in history. they are by definition called revivals. Apart from these authentic visitations we hold our own revivals hoping to duplicate the history changing events. But it’s like trying to enjoy ice cream when theirs isn't really anything in the bowl. All we can do is remember what ice cream tastes like going thru the motion of holding a spoonful to our mouths.
A true and authentic revival is most always triggered by hunger of some group of people. There are always supernatural demonstrations that accompany such events. God always wants us to know its him that has come calling not some big named speaker holding an event.
I think many people think revival is simply everyone else catching what they already know. May I suggest that isn't revival. According to Webster's Dictionary, Revival is the reinstitution of something lost. Revival starts with a humble heart who realizes their tank is only half full.
Personally, I don't want anyone following me to the grocery store let along in some Spiritual direction. I am not a preacher but simply a individual who testifies to what God has done. Then you have to decide what's important to you.
You should be shaped in God's image not mine. I do not desire you to follow me, I want you to find authentic relationship with the one and only God who is alive and well. He is waiting for you to open the door and allow him to become eternal friends. God is not some inept religious deity who sets on a throne of complacency. He wants not just to be an external part of your life but an internal one as well.
Kick the religious spirit in the seat of the pants by making sure you do nothing in your life from this point forward out of habit, social doctrine or ritual. It’s time to be free of the Roman based religious spirit. Not one religious entity created by man has the power over death. Not one. Seek first the Kingdom of God and everything else will be added to you.
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